Friday, January 18, 2008

Insert something witty here...

Girls! May I highly recommend a WoNdErFUL, witty, cute and just fun chick-flick, which will leave you actually feeling better about yourself and not sad about not having a found the love of your life quite yet MOVIE!! Not only is it soooooo funny, the script is also witty, and the entire cast is extremely well-fit for the movie!! I give it two enthusiastic thumbs up!! I have already seen it twice, once with my girls, and the other time with one of the girls that was in the youth group when I interned at Church on Rush Creek!! I actually quoted the movie a couple of blogs back... oh, so cute!! Boys may like it too... but I think it is more of a movie to see with your girls. It is also a laugh-out-loud movie if you have been in weddings before period. I want to tell you all the lines, but I will not ruin the movie for you... JUST GO SEE IT!! Take the night off girls, go eat a great meal, get some coffee and go see this great movie!! :)

I have been planning on spending the night reading and studying for my test... yet, again, this is not happening, so I am going to go do this now!! Love you guys oh so much!!


1 comment:

Ang said...

very true. cute movie. i saw it last night. hope your test goes well! I would love to catch up with you!