Monday, December 22, 2008

Life Lately...a little out of order

Elise is going to kill me for putting this on here...but I LOVE HER!

Bjer Smeejer...(my brother) at home.  His hair looks beautiful huh!? :) Oh brother.

Bj, Nanaka, Me and Austin in Houston.

Austin and I by the tree.

This is Jessie.  He is 100 years old.  Just kidding...we have had him since I was 5 and bj was 4.  He is older and cannot see or hear.  Poor baby...I feel like we must take a pic with him everytime I go home due to his old age.

Bj being....well, Bj.

Some of my old home-group girls.  Some amazing relationships have developed from the deep community we have shared.  Steph also has now gotten engaged!! Yay her!! 

Jordi, Cole, and Me!! Jordan got engaged that night!!  

Some of my girls on my birthday at school! My cheerleaders threw me a birthday party in class!! My little pony was the theme! :)

More of my girls.  

My girls being crazy at a football game!

Me and one of my girls.

My bests @ my personal favorite...Palio's!

Haley and I at a volleyball tourney.  This was actually the night my apartment got broken into.

Elise and I!!!! How I love her.

Friday, December 5, 2008

A much needed update of sorts...

Helllooo my loves!! How I have missed thee, and blogging :)  I am in a bit of a hurry, thus this will not be a long post, but I just wanted to give a few updates.

1.  Football season is over and I have officially survived my first "football/cheer season"!  Hootie, Hootie Hoo!
2.  My apartment got broken into....thus, I will be moving.  Although it sucks that I got broken into, I am SOO thankful that I was not here, and they did not take my puppy.  I am also thankful my dad was in town and was able to zoom over here.  I also hope they are having fun with maureen (my white macbook with my life on it...) and my pretty tv.  (sarcasm).
3.  School is going great...we are in the middle of our research paper, and although it is a frustrating thing to teach a sophomore a thesis statement, I am so happy to have this job.  I love these kids so much and I am so thankful the Lord has entrusted me with them.  I looooveee my job!  
4.  I am also excited about Christmas break!  Wooo!
5.  I got a Christmas Tree for my birthday and I am sooo excited to put it up!! hehe :)
6.  There is a new person in my life that I am very happy about ;) (im a cheeseball...)
7.  I really want to buy my puppy a sweater!  I mean... I know that may be overboard, but it is chilly out there and I think she needs a cute CHRISTMAS sweater!  :)  
8.  I have decided I am going to deep clean my is in much need.  I am writing this on here because maybe I will actually do it since it is written on here ;0)

I realize this may not be the best update ever...but I will be back soon!! LOVE YOU GUYS!