Thursday, November 29, 2007

Feeling Bloggy...

:) I am feeling like writing right now, so even though I promised that this next post would contain pictures, I guess I am afraid that I lied. I have yet to find my computer cord to my camera, but, nevertheless, I promise to get pictures up eventually for all 3 of you that read this!! :)
I am in one of those moods where my heart is heavy, but it is the good kind of heavy. I don't ever remember being at a point where I really, really yearn to get into the Lords word, and when I don't I literally do not feel full, or whole. I have gotten to this point. It is such a sweet, sweet time. I have about a week left, Lord-willing, and I will be done with College. This is such a sweet time, and a scary time at the same time. But I have such an overwhelming peace. I have just started to see the Lord working in so many different areas of my life that that in itself is just overwhelming when I think about it. Again, not overwhelming in a bad sense of the word. (I think many times we use words to indicate something is negative, but I think overwhelming doesn't necessarily have to be bad.) I am overwhelmed by his goodness and grace, and how He ALWAYS comes through. I worry about so many things. It is just what I do, but I am learning that I use this as an excuse way too much. There are ways to fix this, and the main way to fix this is to rely fully on the Lord, and Trust Him. This has been hard for me, but I am learning that this is the only way. I am at a point in which I am really coming to grips with where my life is, and I am thankful for it. I think I have gotten so caught up in what has happened in the past few months, and the circumstances that have surrounded it, that I have not been truly thankful for what the Lord is doing, has done, and has yet to do. I haven't been thankful. I haven't been truly grateful. Instead, I have griped, and asked for more, when I have exactly what I need in front of me! Him! I have my Sweet Jesus!! I will never need more than this. Yes, the Lord may choose to bless me in many different ways, and he has chosen to do this, but bottom-line, no matter what happens, I need to find my contentment in Him, and only Him. :)
I just feel Happy today. Happy and grateful, and so undeserving, but so thankful that he has chosen me to be one of his daughters. I think that there are many things that we get hung up on way too easily, and these things they tend to consume our thoughts. I think this can be dangerous. At least, it can be very dangerous for me. I am such an emotional person, so when I over-analyze people's actions towards me, or other things, I get so side tracked. I become fixated on things that I cannot change, and I allow them to affect me in ways that I shouldn't. I am just learning so much about myself and who I am in the Lord, and it is just freeing. I don't know another word to describe it. I really don't have much else to say other than I am so in love with the Lord, and so thankful for what He is doing in my life!!
I will leave you with a list of things that I am excited about doing after I graduate... I'm getting pumped people!!!!!! :) he he
1. Watch more T.v.- yes this may be dumb, but, nevertheless, I am excited about this! The shows I am excited about catching up on and just watching in general are as follows: Pushing Daisies, GREYS, Samantha Who (it has the what about Brian guy on it, which i am still upset that they canceled that show) and OCTOBER ROAD!
2. Read WHAT I WANT, not assignments, nope, what I want to read!! :) I have had a few book suggested to me, and if anybody else has suggestions, I would love to hear them!! yeahhhhh!!
3. Less stress perhaps? At least maybe the dreams about not showing up to classes in time will stop. (Yes, I am the dork that has those dreams!)
4. The feeling one gets when they experience new things! It is that nervy, but excited, butterflies feeling! I am excited about this!!
5. To see where God is going to put me!!

I love you all!

1 comment:

elise said...

1. bloggy is a funny word, it makes me giggle
2. i love you
3. i agree with you on every single one of your points and am jealous that you get to experience them a whole semester ahead of me---but it's ok ;)