oh, how time flies... I cannot believe that Christmas is over, and now we are about to usher in a new year. I'm excited however, for the new year!! Come on New year!! he he :) Christmas was soo much fun. This year was about as care-free as it gets, and I got to enjoy my family. I have not laughed that hard, or eaten that much in I don't know how long. My family makes me so happy. We really love each other so much, and I am so thankful for that.
I have gotten a lot of time to hang out with my baby brother, and that has been amazing as well. He is so great, and always just makes me feel better about life in general. My mom and dad have been great to hang out with as well... they make me realize how much of a stress-ball I am, and how much I need to just calm down and relax. This has been a reminder I was in much need of with school ending, and me embarking upon a new life.. whatever that may be.
I will be going to live with my grandparents for a little while until I find a job and have money to live on my own. They are amazing to let me come live with them, and I enjoy them so much. I think it will be good, although I am itching to have my own place.. I want to decorate and such. I am going to be looking for a job as well. As of right now, the plan is just to sub until I take the test in February, and then hopefully I will find a teaching job somewhere. (God is control)
God has been good to me this year... not that he usually isn't, but God has shown me so much in this past year.... I am thankful for that. More than any of you can know, I am thankful. I have been in a constant state of change, and when I think I can't handle anymore, he has continually taught me this year to look to him, and just give it over to him... and he will figure out the rest. :) This has been a good lesson for me to learn. I am so hard-headed... even now, after he has shown me so much. Maybe this year, I will become less hard-headed and more trusting of what the Lord has in store for me. Oh how great that would be, huh. :)
here are some things I would like to do in this coming year, although, I will NOT call them resolutions.. bc resolutions usually do not happen.
1. I hope to Pass the teaching exams and become an English Teacher.
2. Really become more involved in my church
3. Learn how to sew, so maybe I can actually try to design a few different pieces of clothing that I have drawn up...
4. Trust the Lord more, and continually go to Him, not forgettting what He has brought me through this year, and given me the courage to do this year.
5. Not stress so much and again, TRUST
6. overcome some personal "issues" I have
7. Be less selfish and more giving
8. Less materialistic... I'm working on this, but this is hard when you love fashion as much as I do, although this is NOT a good excuse.
9. Start running on a more normal basis.
One more thing before I go, by the way, thanks for hanging me with this long, if you have... But I have realized something tonight, that those of you that are close to me already might have known.. I am a romantic. I hope and want the ideal. I love romance. I love it when people get engaged... I love the idea of marraige, and watching people who are in love. I love to read about it, I love to watch it, I love weddings and everything they entail. I know marraige will not all be a fairy tale, or that is what I have been told, but I am obsessed with romance. I don't know if this is really that good of a thing, because this tends to drift into my thought life. Some people have very deep dream lives.. this may be mine. So I will be exploring that more... the good and the BAD of this... its good to be rational, but I also know, it is good to see the postive of things.. which I think I do when I get so excited about romance. Anybody with me on this one!?!?!
I love you all!! Enjoy the pics!!