Monday, March 8, 2010


Some things I am LOVING in "Passion and Purity"...

"Never pass up an oppurtunity to keep your mouth shut" is a good rule that harmonizes with scripture..."Keep your mouth shut and show your good sense". "...The man who talks too much meets his deserts," and "When men talk too much, sin is never far away; common sense holds its tongue.''
How long must I wait, Lord?
Never mind, child. Trust me.

"When the will of God crosses the will of Man," Addison Leitch said, "Somebody has to die." Life requires countless "little" deaths- occasions when you are given the chance to say no to self and yes to God.
We die in order to live.

What to do with Loneliness-
Be still and know that he is God.
Remember that you are not alone.
Give thanks.
Refuse self-pity.
Accept your loneliness.
offer your loneliness up to God.
Do something for somebody else.

rebellion- if this is the will of God for me now, He doesn't love me.
rejection- If this is the what God is giving me, I won't have any part of it.
faith- God knows exactly what He is doing.
acceptance- He loves me. He plans good things for me. I'll take it.

"Through affairs of the heart God uncovers our true intentions..."

(All of the above is from Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot)

God is teaching me much about waiting. Waiting for what I am not quite sure of right now...but I know He, alone, is able to do much in very mighty ways. My prayer is that he continues to show me to trust Him in uncertain times and be faithful with what he has given me right now. More than anything the Lord keeps bringing out in scriputre the words 'trust' and 'wait'. I am also seeing so much of what the woman's job is, and that is to wait patiently. The Lord will come. The Lord will act mightly and give me the desires of my heart, and if he doesn't give me my desires of my heart, He will mold my desires to be His if I seek after Him. I know now that I must focus on my babies at school and that I am to be faithful and loving in all of my relationships with others. No matter where the Lord has me, or what He has me to do, may I say and know that I am His and His alone and wherever He may have me go, may I say "Yes, Lord."

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