Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Project 31- Day 2

Question #2- What makes you uniquely YOU?

I am sure I could do this post many different ways, but in midst of lacking creativity, here is a random list of things about muah.

I am a coffee-drinkin', skinny jean wearin', Jesus lovin', Harry Potter fanatic that happens to get to do something that I am absolutely in love with every day.

I have been so excited about doing this particular blog post for so long. I have thought of fun things I could mention about myself or funny anecdotes I might tell. But when it comes down to it, I don't have a lot to say. There are so many things that make up who I am. The main thing that makes me who I am though is Jesus. It is my relationship with Him. It is the relationship that He has so graciously allowed me to have with Him that makes me who I am. Now do I deny that I am creator of amazing birthday raps, creator of the Friday song for my kids at school, and maybe a crazy driver!?!? No! But, those are not the things that make me. They are things that maybe set me apart. But in the end, I am being made, shaped and molded by my creator. He has grown my affections for things I never thought 10 years ago I would have a love for. He has grounded me to a place where I am more grateful and less childish and selfish. (I say less selfish due to this being an issue that is being worked on ;)). But I really do not think that I could say that I am who I am, without mentioning my Christ. Some might call that "overly religious" or she is one of those "weird Jesus-lovers" but I am telling you, He has brought me through so much, rescued my heart and then taken it, mended it and fully hidden it in Him, that to not tell you about what He has done in my life and not brag on Him would not be a good reflection of who I am now.

So, I leave you with a few fun facts.
1. I am my father's daughter. I love to read and write and debate (when I have a good argument. Until then, I will not put in my two sense). I am a thinker and a lover of culture and of people. I love to see what can happen when people are thrown together and watch how people react to one another. I like to solve problems and fix things. I like to help.
2. I am also my mother's daughter. I am the first one to make a stupid comment that I will not catch was stupid until after the entire car has started laughing at my seeming ditsy comment. I like to be goofy. I love to love. I want to make sure you know I love you, and that I will keep loving you as long as I have breathe. I don't like division and I long for everyone to see the good in each other. I desire for my babies to see how much I love them and I wish I could take everyone of them in and let them know they are dearly loved and there is something much greater than any of us that brought us all here. I love flowers and beauty and say "Thank you Jesus" when I find a parking spot. I love to come home and veg out watching Friends or The Office. And I like to try to be funny even if it is just for a pity laugh from the people that mean the most to me in my life. And most of all... I will keep touching you until you tell me to stop. I can't help it. I am touchy. I feel like that is the way you will know you are loved by me. It is my love deal with it. ;)
3. I love to read. I have loved to read since I was little. I read all the Anne of Green Gables series when I was in the 3rd grade and devoured books ever since. I guess it works out that I now get to teach some of the literature that so dearly love.
4. I live for Christmas season. It is my favorite. I love Christmas music, the decorations, the beautiful coats worn during the cold weather and the seasonal drinks at Starbucks.
5. The Fall and Spring are two of my favorites as well because it reminds me of the goodness of Christ. Whether it is the old making way for the new, or the something growing and shedding it's old skin, I love love love the changing of the seasons.
6. I love school supplies- always have, always will. I am enamored with school supply stores and it makes my heart happy to have a new purple or pink pen.
7. I love Harry Potter and will not be ashamed of it!!! They are one of the most well-written series ever written and until you have read them all, I do not believe you can argue with me about this.
8. I love fashion. If this at all makes sense, it stirs my affections for my creator. I find people so innovative and creative which brings me back to how creative our amazing God is. And do not write me off as just "another Dallas girl that is into THINGS". Where I could see myself easily getting caught up in that if I do not check myself regularly, I truly appreciate the designer and what it took to make the piece. I love the patterns, the textiles and different textures they use to communicate their view of design. It intrigues me.
9. I am independent. I do not need anyone to complete me, but it excites me to think of the future possibilities that the Lord has for me.
10. I love to study. Yes, I am that person. I enjoy studying. I love to read and write and take notes. I want to go back to school and I desire to be a life-learner. It is in me forever...maybe that is why I desire so greatly for my kids to WANT to learn!!

So in ten not-so-brief thoughts here I am. Love you all and thanks for reading.


Amy Wood said...

Love the nerd pic!

Christine said...

awesome pics :) I can't believe I missed your nerd outfit!!!