Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A thought in the morning.

One thing I am learning about my relationship with Christ is that there are going to be many different seasons. Where if you are a weathered Christian, you probably already know this and have been through it. You go through many different seasons, and the Lord chooses to grow you in many different ways and through many different venues. This time around the Lord is teaching me one really big thing... it is all about Him.

I am selfish and idolatrous. And when it comes down to it, the thing that I am constantly making an idol is me. I want what is best for Ashley, not what is best for the kingdom more times than not. It grieves my soul that I am like this. I think I have seen it ever so clearly the past couple of days, which is hard and heavy, but I know is for my good. The Lord is ever so sweet to show me these things. I think I tend to forget what He has taught me in the past, thus why this lesson may be so hard this time around. Thank Jesus, though, that He chose me to teach this lesson to.

It's not about me. It is ALL about him. It is not about my is about HIS and in that I will find joy. Oh, that my heart will see this as truth.

Love you guys.

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